We believe when a military member serves our nation, his or her family serves alongside. River Crest Hospital treats the spectrum of difficulties affecting the whole person and the whole family, with special understanding of the unique stresses and problems of military and families. We salute your service, and we stand ready to help you if the need arises.
The evidence-based treatment track at River Crest Hospital addresses military-specific issues with appropriate interventions and therapy. Moreover, the overall curriculum design is based upon the National Center for PTSD’s best practices.
While some patients experience post-traumatic stress, others struggle with depression, anxiety and adjustment disorders related to noncombat trauma, separation, grief/loss or reintegration issues.
River Crest individualizes the course of care to meet the treatment needs of each military patient. The goal for all service members is the readiness to return to his or her duty station.
Key Features
Additional Features
Commitment to Readiness
The Rehabilitation and Dual Diagnosis aspect of the program is designed to assist service members who are struggling with substance or alcohol abuse in conjunction with behavioral health disturbance.
Service members in need of detoxification receive close medical monitoring to detoxify from alcohol, opiates and prescription drugs.
Each service member will have the opportunity to develop healthy coping strategies while gaining valuable insight into managing his or her condition, including related symptoms and addiction issues.
River Crest Dual Diagnosis program, a 28-day curriculum, blends 12-step facilitation, cognitive behavioral therapy principles and the Stages Of Change model.
Crisis can strike at any moment which is why we are available to schedule confidential, no-cost assessments 24/7. Call River Crest Hospital today at 325-747-4700.